Statistical Information
2015 National DV Census- MN Numbers
Minnesota Domestic Violence Facts
Cost of Sexual Violence in Minnesota– A report from the Minnesota Department of Health
5 Steps to Protecting Our Children- A Guide for Responsible Adults- from Darkness to Light
Here are a list of our favorite resources for help and healing:
Organizations to receive more information:
- BWJP (Battered Women’s Justice Project) – federal program
- Standpoint ( formerly Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Project)
- Choose Respect – School-based curriculum for teens
- MASV (Men Against Sexual Violence)
- MCBW (Minnesota Coalition For Battered Women)
- MINCAVA (Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse)
- MNALL (Minnesota Network on Abuse in Later Life)
- MNCASA (Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
- Nat’l Teen Dating Abuse Helpline – for teens and parents of teens
- Nat’l Ctr for Trauma-Informed Care – information about healing
- NCADV (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence)
- NNEDV (National Network to End Domestic Violence)
- PCAR (Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape)
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
- SMRLS (Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services)
- VictimLaw – online database of state, federal, and tribal victims’ rights laws
- WomensLaw – free access to legal information