Board of Directors Application Application Step 1 of 2 50% Your Personal InformationYour Name First Last Your Email Address Your PhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code OccupationWork Phone How familiar are you with HOPE Center’s mission?What strengths and skills could you contribute to our Board?On what other boards have you served?Charitable or community activities in which you have been involved (attach additional sheet if needed. Please include name, dates of term, offices held, and committee work).Could you attend board meetings every other month? Yes No All HOPE Center board members are requested to serve on a HOPE Center committee such as finance, fundraising or marketing. Are you willing to serve on one committee? Yes No ConflictsWould you attend a 2-3 hour training session for new board members? Yes No Will you be able to give a one or two year commitment to the Board of Directors? Yes No Previous EmploymentDescribe any experience you have had that pertains to the mission of HOPE Center.What is your interest in HOPE Center?References (list names, addresses and phone numbers):Please list 3 references.I verify that the above information is true.SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY 65152